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Strong#:4320 // hykym Miykayah
Orig:n pr m // from \\04310\\ and (the prefix derivative from) \\03588\\ and \\03050\\
AV=4==>Michaiah 3, Micah 1
 Micah or Michaiah = "who is like God"

 1) the 6th in order of the minor prophets; a native of Moresheth, he
    prophesied during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah,
    and was contemporary with the prophets Hosea, Amos, and Isaiah
 2) father of Achbor, a man of high station in the reign of Josiah
 3) one of the priests at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem
    NASB:  Who is like Yah? the name of several Isr.

Total: 4

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