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Strong#:4918 // Mlvm M@shullam
Orig:n pr m // from \\07999\\
AV=25==>Meshullam 25
 Meshullam = "friend"

 1) grandfather of Shaphan, the scribe
 2) son of Zerubbabel
 3) a Benjamite of the sons of Elpaal
 4) a Benjamite, father of Sallu
 5) a Benjamite who lived at Jerusalem after the captivity
 6) a Benjamite
    6a) perhaps the same as 3 or 4
 7) a Gadite in the reign of king Jotham of Judah
 8) son of Berechiah who assisted in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem
 9) son of Besodeiah who assisted Jehoiada the son of Paseah in
    restoring the old gate of Jerusalem
 10) a chief of the people who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah
 11) father of Hilkiah and high priest probably in the reign of king
     Amon of Judah
     11a) perhaps the same as 'Shallum'
 12) a priest, son of Meshillemith or Meshillemoth, son of Immer, and
     ancestor of Maasiai or Amashai
 13) a priest or family of priests who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah
 14) a priest, head of the family of Ginnethon and representative of
     the house of Ezra in the days of Joiakim, the son of Jeshua
 15) a priest, one of the princes of Judah at the dedication of the
     wall of Jerusalem
 16) a Kohathite or family of Kohathite Levites in the reign of Josiah
 17) a Levite, one of the heads sent to Iddo to gather the Levites to
     join the caravan about to return to Jerusalem; a chief man who
     assisted Ezra in abolishing the marriages which some of the people
     had made with foreign wives
 18) ancestor of a family of porters or Levites in days of Nehemiah
 19) a descendant of Bani who had a foreign wife and put her away
 20) one of the men who stood at the left hand of Ezra when he read
     the law to the people
     20a) maybe the same as 17
    NASB:  the name of a number of Isr.

Total: 25
Mesulam25·········· ·········· ·····

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