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Strong#:2585 // Kwnx Chanowk
Orig: // from \\02596\\, Greek \\1802\\ \~Enwc\~
NASB:==>Enoch(10), Hanoch(6).
AV=16==>Enoch 9, Hanoch 5, Henoch 2
 Enoch = "dedicated"

 n pr m
 1) eldest son of Cain
 2) son of Jared and father of Methuselah whom God took home to heaven
    without dying

 n pr loc
 3) the city which Cain built and named after his son Enoch

 Hanoch = "dedicated"

 n pr m
 4) a son of Midian, the third child
 5) the eldest son of Reuben
    NASB:  four Isr., sons of Cain, Jered, Midian and Reuben

Total: 16
Henokh15·········· ·····

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