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Strong#:2526 // Mx Cham
Orig: // the same as \\02525\\
NASB:==>Ham(15), Hamites*(1).
AV=16==>Ham 16
 Ham = "hot"

 n pr m
 1) 2nd son of Noah, father of Canaan and of various peoples which
    were inhabitants of southern lands
 2) in late usage, a collective name for Egyptians

 n pr loc
 3) the place where Chedorlaomer smote the Zuzim, probably in the
    territory of Ammonites (Gilead) east of the Jordan
    NASB:  a son of Noah, also his desc., also a name for Egyptians

Total: 16
Ham15·········· ·····
Ham [1931]1·

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