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Strong#:1410 // dg Gad
Orig:n pr m // from \\01464\\, Greek \\1045\\ \~gad\~
NASB:==>Dibon-gad*(2), Gad(71).
AV=70==>Gad 70
 Gad = "troop"

 1) seventh son of Jacob by Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, and full brother
    of Asher.
 2) the tribe descended from Gad
 3) a prophet during the time of David; appears to have joined David
    when in the hold; reappears in connection with the punishment for
    taking a census; also assisted in the arrangements for the musical
    service of the "house of God"
    NASB:  a son of Jacob, also his tribe and its territory, also a prophet

Total: 73
Gad71·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·········· ·
Dibon-Gad [1769]2··

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