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Strong#:1096 // ruavjlb Belt@sha'tstsar (Aramaic)
Orig:n pr m // from a root corresponding to \\01095\\
AV=8==>Belteshazzar 8
 Belteshazzar = "lord of the straitened's treasure"

 1) the 4th of the greater prophets, taken as hostage in the first
    deportation to Babylon; because of the gift of God of the
    interpretation of dreams, he became the 2nd in command of the Babylon
    empire and lasted through the end of the Babylonian empire and into
    the Persian empire.  His prophecies are the key to the understanding
    of end time events.  Noted for his purity and holiness by contemporary
    prophet, Ezekiel
   1a) also, 'Daniel' (\\01840\\
                    or \\01841\\)
    NASB:  Bab. name of Daniel

Total: 8

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