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1 Kings 14:4
Isteri Yerobeam berbuat demikian Ia berkemas pergi ke Silo dan masuk ke rumah Ahia Ahia tidak dapat melihat lagi sebab matanya sudah kabur karena ia sudah tua
<6213> <3651> <802> <3379> <6965> <1980> <7887> <935> <1004> <281> <281> <3808> <3201> <7200> <3588> <6965> <5869> <7869> <0>
AV: And Jeroboam's <03379> wife <0802> did so <06213> (8799), and arose <06965> (8799), and went <03212> (8799) to Shiloh <07887>, and came <0935> (8799) to the house <01004> of Ahijah <0281>. But Ahijah <0281> could <03201> (8804) not see <07200> (8800); for his eyes <05869> were set <06965> (8804) by reason of his age <07869>. {were...: Heb. stood for his hoariness}