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1 Kings 1:2
Lalu para pegawainya berkata kepadanya Hendaklah dicari bagi tuanku raja seorang perawan yang muda untuk melayani dan merawat raja biarlah ia berbaring di pangkuanmu sehingga badan tuanku raja menjadi panas
<559> <0> <5650> <1245> <113> <4428> <5291> <1330> <5975> <6440> <4428> <1961> <0> <5532> <7901> <2436> <2552> <113> <4428>
AV: Wherefore his servants <05650> said <0559> (8799) unto him, Let there be sought <01245> (8762) for my lord <0113> the king <04428> a young <05291> virgin <01330>: and let her stand <05975> (8804) before <06440> the king <04428>, and let her cherish <05532> (8802) him, and let her lie <07901> (8804) in thy bosom <02436>, that my lord <0113> the king <04428> may get heat <02552> (8804). {Let there...: Heb. Let them seek} {a young...: Heb. a damsel, a virgin} {cherish...: Heb. be a cherisher unto him}