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2 Samuel 23:11
Sesudah dia Sama anak Age orang Harari Ketika orang Filistin berkumpul di Lehi di sana ada sebidang tanah ladang penuh kacang merah dan tentara telah melarikan diri dari hadapan orang Filistin
<310> <8037> <1121> <89> <2043> <622> <6430> <2416> <1961> <8033> <2513> <7704> <4395> <5742> <5971> <5127> <6440> <6430>
AV: And after <0310> him [was] Shammah <08048> the son <01121> of Agee <089> the Hararite <02043>. And the Philistines <06430> were gathered together <0622> (8735) into a troop <02416>, where was a piece <02513> of ground <07704> full <04392> of lentiles <05742>: and the people <05971> fled <05127> (8804) from <06440> the Philistines <06430>. {into...: or, for foraging}
2 Samuel 23:33
anak Sama orang Harari Ahiam bin Sarar orang Harari
<8048> <2043> <279> <1121> <8325> <2043> <0>
AV: Shammah <08048> the Hararite <02043>, Ahiam <0279> the son <01121> of Sharar <08325> the Hararite <02043>,
2 Samuel 23:33
anak Sama orang Harari Ahiam bin Sarar orang Harari
<8048> <2043> <279> <1121> <8325> <2043> <0>
AV: Shammah <08048> the Hararite <02043>, Ahiam <0279> the son <01121> of Sharar <08325> the Hararite <02043>,
1 Chronicles 11:34
Hasyem orang Gizon Yonatan bin Sage orang Harari
<1121> <2044> <1493> <3129> <1121> <7681> <2043> <0>
AV: The sons <01121> of Hashem <02044> the Gizonite <01493>, Jonathan <03129> the son <01121> of Shage <07681> the Hararite <02043>, {Hashem: or, Jashen}
1 Chronicles 11:35
Ahiam bin Sakhar orang Harari Elifal bin Ur
<279> <1121> <7940> <2043> <465> <1121> <218> <0>
AV: Ahiam <0279> the son <01121> of Sacar <07940> the Hararite <02043>, Eliphal <0465> the son <01121> of Ur <0218>, {Sacar: or, Sharar} {Eliphal: or, Eliphelet} {Ur: or, Ahasbai}