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2 Samuel 20:18
Kemudian berkatalah perempuan itu Dahulu biasa orang berkata begini Baiklah orang minta petunjuk di Abel dan di Dan apakah sudah dihapuskan
<559> <559> <1696> <1696> <7223> <559> <7592> <7592> <59> <3651> <8552>
AV: Then she spake <0559> (8799), saying <0559> (8800), They were wont <01696> (8763) to speak <01696> (8762) in old time <07223>, saying <0559> (8800), They shall surely <07592> (8800) ask <07592> (8762) [counsel] at Abel <059>: and so they ended <08552> (8689) [the matter]. {They were...: or, They plainly spoke in the beginning, saying, Surely they will ask of Abel, and so make and end}