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Genesis 4:2
Selanjutnya dilahirkannyalah Habel adik Kain dan Habel menjadi gembala kambing domba Kain menjadi petani
<3254> <3205> <853> <251> <853> <1893> <1961> <1893> <7462> <6629> <7014> <1961> <5647> <127>
AV: And she again <03254> (8686) bare <03205> (8800) his brother <0251> Abel <01893>. And Abel <01893> was a keeper <07462> (8802) of sheep <06629>, but Cain <07014> was a tiller <05647> (8802) of the ground <0127>. {Abel: Heb. Hebel} {a keeper: Heb. a feeder}
2 Chronicles 34:33
Yosia menjauhkan segala dewa kekejian dari semua daerah orang Israel dan menyuruh semua orang yang ada di Israel beribadah kepada TUHAN Allah mereka Maka sepanjang hidup Yosia mereka tidak menyimpang mengikuti TUHAN Allah nenek moyang mereka
<5493> <2977> <853> <3605> <8441> <3605> <776> <834> <1121> <3478> <5647> <853> <3605> <4672> <3478> <5647> <853> <3068> <430> <3605> <3117> <3808> <5493> <310> <3068> <430> <1> <0>
AV: And Josiah <02977> took away <05493> (8686) all the abominations <08441> out of all the countries <0776> that [pertained] to the children <01121> of Israel <03478>, and made all that were present <04672> (8737) in Israel <03478> to serve <05647> (8686), [even] to serve <05647> (8800) the LORD <03068> their God <0430>. [And] all his days <03117> they departed <05493> (8804) not from following <0310> the LORD <03068>, the God <0430> of their fathers <01>. {present: Heb. found} {from...: Heb. from after}