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1 Samuel 4:18
Ketika disebutnya tabut Allah itu jatuhlah Eli telentang dari kursi di sebelah pintu gerbang batang lehernya patah dan ia mati Sebab telah tua dan gemuk orangnya Empat puluh tahun lamanya ia memerintah sebagai hakim atas orang Israel
<1961> <2142> <853> <727> <430> <5307> <5921> <3678> <322> <1157> <3027> <8179> <7665> <4665> <4191> <3588> <2204> <376> <3515> <1931> <8199> <853> <3478> <705> <8141>
AV: And it came to pass, when he made mention <02142> (8687) of the ark <0727> of God <0430>, that he fell <05307> (8799) from off the seat <03678> backward <0322> by <01157> the side <03027> of the gate <08179>, and his neck <04665> brake <07665> (8735), and he died <04191> (8799): for he was an old <02204> (8804) man <0376>, and heavy <03513> (8804). And he had judged <08199> (8804) Israel <03478> forty <0705> years <08141>.