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Judges 20:23
Kemudian pergilah orang-orang Israel lalu menangis di hadapan TUHAN sampai petang sesudah itu mereka bertanya kepada TUHAN Akan pergi pulakah kami berperang melawan bani Benyamin saudara kami itu Jawab TUHAN Majulah melawan mereka
<5927> <1121> <3478> <1058> <6440> <3068> <5704> <6153> <7592> <3068> <559> <3254> <5066> <4421> <5973> <1121> <1144> <251> <559> <3068> <5927> <413> <0>
AV: (And the children <01121> of Israel <03478> went up <05927> (8799) and wept <01058> (8799) before <06440> the LORD <03068> until even <06153>, and asked <07592> (8799) counsel of the LORD <03068>, saying <0559> (8800), Shall I go up <05066> (8800) again <03254> (8686) to battle <04421> against the children <01121> of Benjamin <01144> my brother <0251>? And the LORD <03068> said <0559> (8799), Go up <05927> (8798) against him.)