Judges 1:7
Kata Adoni-Bezek Ada tujuh puluh raja dengan terpotong ibu jari tangan dan kakinya memungut sisa-sisa makanan di bawah mejaku sesuai dengan yang kulakukan itu demikianlah dibalaskan Allah kepadaku Kemudian ia dibawa ke Yerusalem dan mati di sana
<559> <0> <137> <7657> <4428> <931> <3027> <7272> <7112> <1961> <3950> <8478> <7979> <834> <6213> <3651> <7999> <0> <430> <935> <3389> <4191> <8033> <0>
AV: And Adonibezek <0137> said <0559> (8799), Threescore and ten <07657> kings <04428>, having their thumbs <0931> <03027> and their great toes <07272> cut off <07112> (8794), gathered <03950> (8764) [their meat] under my table <07979>: as I have done <06213> (8804), so God <0430> hath requited <07999> (8765) me. And they brought <0935> (8686) him to Jerusalem <03389>, and there he died <04191> (8799). {their thumbs...: Heb. the thumbs of their hands and of their feet} {gathered: or, gleaned}