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Joshua 15:7
lalu dari lembah Akhor batas itu naik ke Debir dan menuju ke utara ke Gilgal di seberang pendakian Adumim yang di sebelah selatan sungai Kemudian batas itu terus ke mata air En-Semes dan keluar ke En-Rogel
<5927> <1366> <1688> <6010> <5911> <6828> <6437> <413> <1537> <834> <5227> <4608> <131> <834> <5045> <5158> <5674> <1366> <413> <4325> <0> <5885> <1961> <8444> <413> <0> <5883>
AV: And the border <01366> went up <05927> (8804) toward Debir <01688> from the valley <06010> of Achor <05911>, and so northward <06828>, looking <06437> (8802) toward Gilgal <01537>, that [is] before <05227> the going up <04608> to Adummim <0131>, which [is] on the south side <05045> of the river <05158>: and the border <01366> passed <05674> (8804) toward the waters <04325> of Enshemesh <05885>, and the goings out <08444> thereof were at Enrogel <05883>:
Joshua 18:17
Kemudian melengkung ke utara menuju ke En-Semes dan menuju pula ke Gelilot di seberang pendakian Adumim turun ke batu Bohan bin Ruben
<8388> <6828> <3318> <0> <5885> <3318> <413> <1553> <834> <5227> <4608> <131> <3381> <68> <932> <1121> <7205>
AV: And was drawn <08388> (8804) from the north <06828>, and went forth <03318> (8804) to Enshemesh <05885>, and went forth <03318> (8804) toward Geliloth <01553>, which [is] over against <05227> the going up <04608> of Adummim <0131>, and descended <03381> (8804) to the stone <068> of Bohan <0932> the son <01121> of Reuben <07205>,