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Joshua 10:23
Dilakukan oranglah demikian kelima raja itu dikeluarkan dari gua itu dan dibawa kepadanya raja Yerusalem raja Hebron raja Yarmut raja Lakhis dan raja Eglon
<6213> <3651> <3318> <413> <853> <2568> <4428> <428> <4480> <4631> <853> <4428> <3389> <853> <4428> <2275> <853> <4428> <3412> <853> <4428> <3923> <853> <4428> <5700>
AV: And they did <06213> (8799) so, and brought forth <03318> (8686) those five <02568> kings <04428> unto him out of the cave <04631>, the king <04428> of Jerusalem <03389>, the king <04428> of Hebron <02275>, the king <04428> of Jarmuth <03412>, the king <04428> of Lachish <03923>, [and] the king <04428> of Eglon <05700>.