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Joshua 2:22
Merekapun pergilah dan tiba di pegunungan Mereka tinggal di sana tiga hari lamanya sampai pengejar-pengejar itu pulang Pengejar-pengejar itu telah mencari di mana-mana sepanjang jalan tanpa menemukan mereka
<1980> <935> <2022> <3427> <8033> <7969> <3117> <5704> <7725> <7291> <1245> <7291> <3605> <1870> <3808> <4672>
AV: And they went <03212> (8799), and came <0935> (8799) unto the mountain <02022>, and abode <03427> (8799) there three <07969> days <03117>, until the pursuers <07291> (8802) were returned <07725> (8804): and the pursuers <07291> (8802) sought <01245> (8762) [them] throughout all the way <01870>, but found <04672> (8804) [them] not.