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Numbers 34:4
Lalu batasmu membelok di selatan pendakian Akrabim terus ke Zin dan berakhir di sebelah selatan Kadesh-Barnea Sesudah itu ia mencapai Hazar-Adar dan terus ke Azmon
<5437> <0> <1366> <5045> <0> <4610> <5674> <6790> <1961> <8444> <5045> <0> <6947> <3318> <0> <2692> <5674> <6111>
AV: And your border <01366> shall turn <05437> (8738) from the south <05045> to the ascent <04608> of Akrabbim <04610>, and pass on <05674> (8804) to Zin <06790>: and the going forth <08444> thereof shall be from the south <05045> to Kadeshbarnea <06947>, and shall go on <03318> (8804) to Hazaraddar <02692>, and pass on <05674> (8804) to Azmon <06111>:
Joshua 15:3
lalu keluar pada sebelah selatan pendakian Akrabim terus ke Zin naik ke sebelah selatan Kadesh-Barnea terus ke Hezron naik ke Adar membelok ke Karka
<3318> <413> <5045> <0> <4610> <5674> <6790> <5927> <5045> <0> <6947> <5674> <2696> <5927> <146> <5437> <7173>
AV: And it went out <03318> (8804) to the south side <05045> to Maalehacrabbim <04610>, and passed <05674> (8804) along to Zin <06790>, and ascended up <05927> (8804) on the south side <05045> unto Kadeshbarnea <06947>, and passed <05674> (8804) along to Hezron <02696>, and went up <05927> (8804) to Adar <0146>, and fetched a compass <05437> (8738) to Karkaa <07173>: {Maalehacrebbim: or, the going up to Acrabbim}
Judges 1:36
Daerah orang Amori itu mulai dari pendakian Akrabim dari Sela terus ke atas
<1366> <567> <0> <4610> <5553> <4605> <0>
AV: And the coast <01366> of the Amorites <0567> [was] from the going up <04608> to Akrabbim <04610>, from the rock <05553>, and upward <04605>. {the going...: or, Maalehacrabbim}