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Numbers 31:38
lembu-lembu tiga puluh enam ribu ekor jadi upetinya bagi TUHAN ada tujuh puluh dua ekor
<1241> <8337> <7970> <505> <4371> <3068> <8147> <7657>
AV: And the beeves <01241> [were] thirty <07970> and six <08337> thousand <0505>; of which the LORD'S <03068> tribute <04371> [was] threescore and twelve <07657> <08147>.
Numbers 31:39
keledai-keledai tiga puluh ribu lima ratus ekor jadi upetinya bagi TUHAN ada enam puluh satu ekor
<2543> <7970> <505> <2568> <3967> <4371> <3068> <259> <8346>
AV: And the asses <02543> [were] thirty <07970> thousand <0505> and five <02568> hundred <03967>; of which the LORD'S <03068> tribute <04371> [was] threescore <08346> and one <0259>.
Numbers 31:40
dan orang-orang enam belas ribu orang jadi upetinya bagi TUHAN tiga puluh dua orang
<5315> <120> <8337> <6240> <505> <4371> <3068> <8147> <7970> <5315>
AV: And the persons <0120> <05315> [were] sixteen <08337> <06240> thousand <0505>; of which the LORD'S <03068> tribute <04371> [was] thirty <07970> and two <08147> persons <05315>.