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Numbers 23:18
Lalu diucapkannyalah sanjaknya katanya Bangunlah hai Balak dan dengarlah pasanglah telingamu mendengarkan aku ya anak Zipor
<5375> <4912> <559> <6965> <1111> <8085> <238> <5704> <1121> <6834>
AV: And he took up <05375> (8799) his parable <04912>, and said <0559> (8799), Rise up <06965> (8798), Balak <01111>, and hear <08085> (8798); hearken <0238> (8685) unto me, thou son <01121> of Zippor <06834>:
Numbers 24:3
Lalu diucapkannyalah sanjaknya katanya Tutur kata Bileam bin Beor tutur kata orang yang terbuka matanya
<5375> <4912> <559> <5002> <1109> <1121> <1160> <5002> <1397> <8365> <5869>
AV: And he took up <05375> (8799) his parable <04912>, and said <0559> (8799), Balaam <01109> the son <01121> of Beor <01160> hath said <05002> (8803), and the man <01397> whose eyes <05869> are open <08365> (8803) hath said <05002> (8803): {whose...: Heb. who had his eyes shut, but now opened}
Numbers 24:15
Lalu diucapkannyalah sanjaknya katanya Tutur kata Bileam bin Beor tutur kata orang yang terbuka matanya
<5375> <4912> <559> <5002> <1109> <1121> <1160> <5002> <1397> <8365> <5869>
AV: And he took up <05375> (8799) his parable <04912>, and said <0559> (8799), Balaam <01109> the son <01121> of Beor <01160> hath said <05002> (8803), and the man <01397> whose eyes <05869> are open <08365> (8803) hath said <05002> (8803):
Numbers 24:20
Ketika ia melihat orang Amalek diucapkannyalah sanjaknya katanya Yang pertama di antara bangsa-bangsa ialah Amalek tetapi akhirnya ia akan sampai kepada kebinasaan
<7200> <853> <6002> <5375> <4912> <559> <7225> <1471> <6002> <319> <5703> <8>
AV: And when he looked <07200> (8799) on Amalek <06002>, he took up <05375> (8799) his parable <04912>, and said <0559> (8799), Amalek <06002> [was] the first <07225> of the nations <01471>; but his latter <0319> end [shall be] that he perish <08> for ever <05703>. {the nations: the nations that warred against Israel} {that...: or, even to destruction}
Numbers 24:21
Ketika ia melihat orang Keni diucapkannyalah sanjaknya katanya Kokoh tempat kediamanmu tertaruh di atas bukit batu sarangmu
<7200> <853> <7017> <5375> <4912> <559> <386> <4186> <7760> <5553> <7064>
AV: And he looked <07200> (8799) on the Kenites <07017>, and took up <05375> (8799) his parable <04912>, and said <0559> (8799), Strong <0386> is thy dwellingplace <04186>, and thou puttest <07760> (8798) thy nest <07064> in a rock <05553>.