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Genesis 18:5
biarlah kuambil sepotong roti supaya tuan-tuan segar kembali kemudian bolehlah tuan-tuan meneruskan perjalanannya sebab tuan-tuan telah datang ke tempat hambamu ini Jawab mereka Perbuatlah seperti yang kaukatakan itu
<3947> <6595> <3899> <5582> <3820> <310> <5674> <3588> <5921> <3651> <5674> <5921> <5650> <559> <3651> <6213> <834> <1696>
AV: And I will fetch <03947> (8799) a morsel <06595> of bread <03899>, and comfort ye <05582> (8798) your hearts <03820>; after that <0310> ye shall pass on <05674> (8799): for therefore are ye come <05674> (8804) to <05921> your servant <05650>. And they said <01696> (8765), So do <06213> (8799), as thou hast said <0559> (8799). {comfort: Heb. stay} {are...: Heb. you have passed}