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Numbers 3:27
Puak Kehat terdiri dari kaum Amram kaum Yizhar kaum Hebron dan kaum Uziel itulah kaum-kaum Kehat
<6955> <4940> <6020> <4940> <3325> <4940> <2276> <4940> <5817> <428> <1992> <4940> <6956>
AV: And of Kohath <06955> [was] the family <04940> of the Amramites <06020>, and the family <04940> of the Izeharites <03325>, and the family <04940> of the Hebronites <02276>, and the family <04940> of the Uzzielites <05817>: these [are] the families <04940> of the Kohathites <06956>.