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Numbers 3:3
Itulah nama anak-anak Harun imam-imam yang diurapi yang telah ditahbiskan untuk memegang jabatan imam
<428> <8034> <1121> <175> <3548> <4886> <834> <4390> <3027> <3547>
AV: These [are] the names <08034> of the sons <01121> of Aaron <0175>, the priests <03548> which were anointed <04886> (8803), whom he consecrated <04390> (8765) <03027> to minister in the priest's office <03547> (8763). {whom...: Heb. whose hand he filled}
Zechariah 2:1
Aku melayangkan mataku dan melihat tampak seorang yang memegang tali pengukur
<5375> <5869> <7200> <2009> <376> <3027> <2256> <4060>
AV: I lifted up <05375> (8799) mine eyes <05869> again, and looked <07200> (8799), and behold a man <0376> with a measuring <04060> line <02256> in his hand <03027>.
Zechariah 8:4
Beginilah firman TUHAN semesta alam Akan ada lagi kakek-kakek dan nenek-nenek duduk di jalan-jalan Yerusalem masing-masing memegang tongkat karena lanjut usianya
<3541> <559> <3068> <6635> <5750> <3427> <2205> <2205> <7339> <3389> <376> <4938> <3027> <7230> <3117>
AV: Thus saith <0559> (8804) the LORD <03068> of hosts <06635>; There shall yet old men <02205> and old women <02205> dwell <03427> (8799) in the streets <07339> of Jerusalem <03389>, and every man <0376> with his staff <04938> in his hand <03027> for very <07230> age <03117>. {very...: Heb. multitude of days}