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Leviticus 18:12
Janganlah kausingkapkan aurat saudara perempuan ayahmu karena ia kerabat ayahmu
<6172> <269> <1> <3808> <1540> <7607> <1> <1931> <0>
AV: Thou shalt not uncover <01540> (8762) the nakedness <06172> of thy father's <01> sister <0269>: she [is] thy father's <01> near kinswoman <07607>.
Leviticus 18:13
Janganlah kausingkapkan aurat saudara perempuan ibumu karena ia kerabat ibumu
<6172> <269> <517> <3808> <1540> <3588> <7607> <517> <1931> <0>
AV: Thou shalt not uncover <01540> (8762) the nakedness <06172> of thy mother's <0517> sister <0269>: for she [is] thy mother's <0517> near kinswoman <07607>.