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Exodus 40:4
Kaubawalah ke dalamnya meja dan taruhlah di atasnya perkakas menurut susunannya kaubawalah ke dalamnya kandil dan kaupasang lampu-lampunya di atasnya
<935> <853> <7979> <6186> <853> <6187> <935> <853> <4501> <5927> <853> <5216>
AV: And thou shalt bring <0935> (8689) in the table <07979>, and set in order <06186> (8804) the things that are to be set in order <06187> upon it; and thou shalt bring <0935> (8689) in the candlestick <04501>, and light <05927> (8689) the lamps <05216> thereof. {the things...: Heb. the order thereof}