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Zechariah 9:9
Bersorak-soraklah dengan nyaring hai puteri Sion bersorak-sorailah hai puteri Yerusalem Lihat rajamu datang kepadamu ia adil dan jaya Ia lemah lembut dan mengendarai seekor keledai seekor keledai beban yang muda
<1523> <3966> <1323> <6726> <7321> <1323> <3389> <2009> <4428> <935> <0> <6662> <3467> <1931> <6041> <7392> <5921> <2543> <5921> <5895> <1121> <860>
AV: Rejoice <01523> (8798) greatly <03966>, O daughter <01323> of Zion <06726>; shout <07321> (8685), O daughter <01323> of Jerusalem <03389>: behold, thy King <04428> cometh <0935> (8799) unto thee: he [is] just <06662>, and having salvation <03467> (8737); lowly <06041>, and riding <07392> (8802) upon an ass <02543>, and upon a colt <05895> the foal <01121> of an ass <0860>. {having...: or, saving himself}