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Nahum 1:12
Beginilah firman TUHAN Sekalipun mereka utuh dan begitu banyak jumlahnya tetapi mereka akan hilang terbabat dan mati binasa sekalipun Aku telah merendahkan engkau tetapi Aku tidak akan merendahkan engkau lagi
<3541> <559> <3068> <518> <8003> <3651> <7227> <3651> <1494> <5674> <6031> <3808> <6031> <5750>
AV: Thus saith <0559> (8804) the LORD <03068>; Though [they be] quiet <08003>, and likewise many <07227>, yet thus shall they be cut down <01494> (8738), when he shall pass through <05674> (8804). Though I have afflicted <06031> (8765) thee, I will afflict <06031> (8762) thee no more. {Though...: or, If they would have been at peace, so should they have been many, and so should they have been shorn, and he should have passed away} {cut down: Heb. shorn}