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Micah 1:11
Berkemaslah hai penduduk Safir dengan telanjang dan malu Tidak berani keluar penduduk Zaanan Ratapan Bet-Haezel menghalangi engkau untuk tetap berdiri
<5674> <0> <3427> <8208> <6181> <1322> <3808> <3318> <3427> <6630> <5594> <0> <1018> <3947> <4480> <5979>
AV: Pass ye away <05674> (8798), thou inhabitant <03427> (8802) of Saphir <08208>, having thy shame <01322> naked <06181>: the inhabitant <03427> (8802) of Zaanan <06630> came not forth <03318> (8804) in the mourning <04553> of Bethezel <01018>; he shall receive <03947> (8799) of you his standing <05979>. {thou...: or, thou that dwellest fairly} {inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress} {Zaanan: or, The country of flocks} {Bethezel: or, A place near}