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Hosea 7:1
apabila Aku menyembuhkan Israel maka tersingkaplah kesalahan Efraim dan kejahatan-kejahatan Samaria sebab mereka melakukan penipuan pencuri mendobrak masuk gerombolan merampas di luar
<7495> <3478> <1540> <5771> <669> <7451> <8111> <3588> <6466> <8267> <1590> <935> <6584> <1416> <2351>
AV: When I would have healed <07495> (8800) Israel <03478>, then the iniquity <05771> of Ephraim <0669> was discovered <01540> (8738), and the wickedness <07451> of Samaria <08111>: for they commit <06466> (8804) falsehood <08267>; and the thief <01590> cometh in <0935> (8799), [and] the troop <01416> of robbers spoileth <06584> (8804) without <02351>. {wickedness: Heb. evils} {spoileth: Heb. strippeth}