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Hosea 5:4
Perbuatan-perbuatan mereka tidak mengizinkan mereka berbalik kepada Allah mereka sebab roh perzinahan ada di antara mereka dan mereka tidak mengenal TUHAN
<3808> <5414> <4611> <7725> <413> <430> <3588> <7307> <2183> <7130> <853> <3068> <3808> <3045>
AV: They will not frame <05414> (8799) their doings <04611> to turn <07725> (8800) unto their God <0430>: for the spirit <07307> of whoredoms <02183> [is] in the midst <07130> of them, and they have not known <03045> (8804) the LORD <03068>. {They will...: or, Their doings will not suffer them} {frame: Heb. give}