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Daniel 10:6
Tubuhnya seperti permata Tarsis dan wajahnya seperti cahaya kilat matanya seperti suluh yang menyala-nyala lengan dan kakinya seperti kilau tembaga yang digilap dan suara ucapannya seperti gaduh orang banyak
<1472> <8658> <6440> <4758> <1300> <5869> <3940> <784> <2220> <4772> <5869> <5178> <7044> <6963> <1697> <6963> <1995>
AV: His body <01472> also [was] like the beryl <08658>, and his face <06440> as the appearance <04758> of lightning <01300>, and his eyes <05869> as lamps <03940> of fire <0784>, and his arms <02220> and his feet <04772> like in colour <05869> to polished <07044> brass <05178>, and the voice <06963> of his words <01697> like the voice <06963> of a multitude <01995>.