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Daniel 6:10
Demi didengar Daniel bahwa surat perintah itu telah dibuat pergilah ia ke rumahnya Dalam kamar atasnya ada tingkap-tingkap yang terbuka ke arah Yerusalem tiga kali sehari ia berlutut berdoa serta memuji Allahnya seperti yang biasa dilakukannya
<1841> <1768> <3046> <1768> <7560> <3792> <5954> <1005> <3551> <6606> <0> <5952> <5049> <3390> <2166> <8532> <3118> <1932> <1289> <5922> <1291> <6739> <3029> <6925> <426> <3606> <6903> <1768> <1934> <5648> <4481> <6928> <1836> <0>
AV: Now when Daniel <01841> knew <03046> (8754) that the writing <03792> was signed <07560> (8752), he went <05954> (8754) into his house <01005>; and his windows <03551> being open <06606> (8759) in his chamber <05952> toward <05049> Jerusalem <03390>, he kneeled <01289> (8750) upon <05922> his knees <01291> three <08532> times <02166> a day <03118>, and prayed <06739> (8743), and gave thanks <03029> (8683) before <06925> his God <0426>, as <06903> <03606> he did <01934> (8754) <05648> (8751) aforetime <04481> <01836> <06928>.