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Ezekiel 36:17
Hai anak manusia waktu kaum Israel tinggal di tanah mereka mereka menajiskannya dengan tingkah laku mereka kelakuan mereka sama seperti cemar kain di hadapan-Ku
<1121> <120> <1004> <3478> <3427> <5921> <127> <2930> <853> <1870> <5949> <2932> <5079> <1961> <1870> <6440>
AV: Son <01121> of man <0120>, when the house <01004> of Israel <03478> dwelt <03427> (8802) in their own land <0127>, they defiled <02930> (8762) it by their own way <01870> and by their doings <05949>: their way <01870> was before <06440> me as the uncleanness <02932> of a removed woman <05079>.