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Ezekiel 27:9
Tua-tua Gebal dengan ahli-ahlinya berada padamu hendak memperbaiki kerusakan-kerusakanmu Segala kapal laut beserta anak kapalnya berlabuh padamu hendak menukarkan barang dagangannya
<2205> <1380> <2450> <1961> <0> <2388> <919> <3605> <591> <3220> <4419> <1961> <0> <6148> <4627>
AV: The ancients <02205> of Gebal <01380> and the wise <02450> [men] thereof were in thee thy calkers <0919> <02388> (8688): all the ships <0591> of the sea <03220> with their mariners <04419> were in thee to occupy <06148> (8800) thy merchandise <04627>. {calkers: or, stoppers of chinks: Heb. strengtheners, etc}