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Ezekiel 19:10
Ibumu seperti pohon anggur dalam kebun anggur yang tertanam dekat air berbuah dan bercabang karena air yang berlimpah-limpah
<517> <1612> <1818> <5921> <4325> <8362> <6509> <6058> <1961> <4325> <7227>
AV: Thy mother <0517> [is] like a vine <01612> in thy blood <01818> (8676) <01818>, planted <08362> (8803) by the waters <04325>: she was fruitful <06509> (8802) and full of branches <06058> by reason of many <07227> waters <04325>. {in...: or, in thy quietness, or, in thy likeness}