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Exodus 19:19
Bunyi sangkakala kian lama kian keras Berbicaralah Musa lalu Allah menjawabnya dalam guruh
<1961> <6963> <7782> <1980> <2390> <3966> <4872> <1696> <430> <6030> <6963>
AV: And when the voice <06963> of the trumpet <07782> sounded <06963> long <01980> (8802), and waxed louder <02390> and louder <03966>, Moses <04872> spake <01696> (8762), and God <0430> answered <06030> (8799) him by a voice <06963>.
Job 15:21
Bunyi yang dahsyat sampai ke telinganya pada masa damai ia didatangi perusak
<6963> <6343> <241> <7965> <7703> <935>
AV: A dreadful <06343> sound <06963> [is] in his ears <0241>: in prosperity <07965> the destroyer <07703> (8802) shall come <0935> (8799) upon him. {A dreadful...: Heb. A sound of fears}