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Exodus 15:8
Karena nafas hidung-Mu segala air naik bertimbun-timbun segala aliran berdiri tegak seperti bendungan air bah membeku di tengah-tengah laut
<7307> <639> <6192> <4325> <5324> <3644> <5067> <5140> <7087> <8415> <3820> <3220>
AV: And with the blast <07307> of thy nostrils <0639> the waters <04325> were gathered together <06192> (8738), the floods <05140> (8802) stood upright <05324> (8738) as an heap <05067>, [and] the depths <08415> were congealed <07087> (8804) in the heart <03820> of the sea <03220>.
Psalms 18:15
Lalu kelihatanlah dasar-dasar lautan dan tersingkaplah alas-alas dunia karena hardik-Mu ya TUHAN karena hembusan nafas dari hidung-Mu
<7200> <650> <4325> <1540> <4146> <8398> <1606> <3068> <5397> <7307> <639>
AV: Then the channels <0650> of waters <04325> were seen <07200> (8735), and the foundations <04146> of the world <08398> were discovered <01540> (8735) at thy rebuke <01606>, O LORD <03068>, at the blast <05397> of the breath <07307> of thy nostrils <0639>.