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Jeremiah 6:3
sehingga gembala-gembala mendatanginya beserta kawanan ternak mereka Mereka telah memasang kemah-kemahnya sekelilingnya masing-masing memakan habis apa yang didapatnya
<413> <935> <7462> <5739> <8628> <5921> <168> <5439> <7462> <376> <853> <3027>
AV: The shepherds <07462> (8802) with their flocks <05739> shall come <0935> (8799) unto her; they shall pitch <08628> (8804) [their] tents <0168> against her round about <05439>; they shall feed <07462> (8804) every one <0376> in his place <03027>.
Jeremiah 50:26
Marilah mendatanginya dari segala jurusan bukalah lumbung-lumbungnya onggokkanlah isinya bertimbun-timbun dan tumpaslah itu janganlah ada tinggal sisanya
<935> <0> <7093> <6605> <3965> <5549> <3644> <6194> <2763> <408> <1961> <0> <7611>
AV: Come <0935> (8798) against her from the utmost border <07093>, open <06605> (8798) her storehouses <03965>: cast her up <05549> (8798) as heaps <06194>, and destroy her utterly <02763> (8685): let nothing of her be left <07611>. {from...: Heb. from the end} {cast...: or, tread her}