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Isaiah 53:3
Ia dihina dan dihindari orang seorang yang penuh kesengsaraan dan yang biasa menderita kesakitan ia sangat dihina sehingga orang menutup mukanya terhadap dia dan bagi kitapun dia tidak masuk hitungan
<959> <2310> <376> <376> <4341> <3045> <2483> <4564> <6440> <4480> <959> <3808> <2803>
AV: He is despised <0959> (8737) and rejected <02310> of men <0376>; a man <0376> of sorrows <04341>, and acquainted <03045> (8803) with grief <02483>: and we hid as it were <04564> (8688) [our] faces <06440> from him; he was despised <0959> (8737), and we esteemed <02803> (8804) him not. {we hid...: or, he hid as it were his face from us: Heb. as an hiding of faces from him, or, from us}