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Isaiah 14:31
Merataplah hai pintu gerbang Berteriaklah hai kota Gemetarlah hai segenap Filistea Sebab di sebelah utara sudah mengepul asap perang dan barisan musuh maju tanpa ada yang mundur
<3213> <8179> <2199> <5892> <4127> <6429> <3605> <3588> <6828> <6227> <935> <369> <909> <4151>
AV: Howl <03213> (8685), O gate <08179>; cry <02199> (8798), O city <05892>; thou, whole Palestina <06429>, [art] dissolved <04127> (8738): for there shall come <0935> (8804) from the north <06828> a smoke <06227>, and none [shall be] alone <0909> (8802) in his appointed times <04151>. {none...: or, he shall not be alone} {appointed...: or, assemblies}