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Isaiah 8:8
serta menerobos masuk ke Yehuda ibarat banjir yang meluap-luap hingga sampai ke leher dan sayap-sayapnya yang dikembangkan akan menutup seantero negerimu ya Imanuel
<2498> <3063> <7857> <5674> <5704> <6677> <5060> <1961> <4298> <3671> <4393> <7341> <776> <0> <6005> <0>
AV: And he shall pass <02498> (8804) through Judah <03063>; he shall overflow <07857> (8804) and go over <05674> (8804), he shall reach <05060> (8686) [even] to the neck <06677>; and the stretching out <04298> of his wings <03671> shall fill <04393> the breadth <07341> of thy land <0776>, O Immanuel <06005> <0410>. {stretching...: Heb. fulness of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretchings out of his wings}