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The Song of Songs 7:8
Kataku Aku ingin memanjat pohon korma itu dan memegang gugusan-gugusannya Kiranya buah dadamu seperti gugusan anggur dan nafas hidungmu seperti buah apel
<559> <5927> <8558> <270> <5577> <1961> <4994> <7699> <811> <1612> <7381> <639> <8598>
AV: I said <0559> (8804), I will go up <05927> (8799) to the palm tree <08558>, I will take hold <0270> (8799) of the boughs <05577> thereof: now also thy breasts <07699> shall be as clusters <0811> of the vine <01612>, and the smell <07381> of thy nose <0639> like apples <08598>;