Back to #5317

The Song of Songs 4:11
Bibirmu meneteskan madu murni pengantinku madu dan susu ada di bawah lidahmu dan bau pakaianmu seperti bau gunung Libanon
<5317> <5197> <8193> <3618> <1706> <2461> <8478> <3956> <7381> <8008> <7381> <3844> <0>
AV: Thy lips <08193>, O [my] spouse <03618>, drop <05197> (8799) [as] the honeycomb <05317>: honey <01706> and milk <02461> [are] under thy tongue <03956>; and the smell <07381> of thy garments <08008> [is] like the smell <07381> of Lebanon <03844>.