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The Song of Songs 3:1
Di atas ranjangku pada malam hari kucari jantung hatiku Kucari tetapi tak kutemui dia
<5921> <4904> <3915> <1245> <853> <157> <5315> <1245> <3808> <4672>
AV: By night <03915> on my bed <04904> I sought <01245> (8765) him whom my soul <05315> loveth <0157> (8804): I sought <01245> (8765) him, but I found <04672> (8804) him not.
The Song of Songs 3:2
Aku hendak bangun dan berkeliling di kota di jalan-jalan dan di lapangan-lapangan kucari dia jantung hatiku Kucari tetapi tak kutemui dia
<6965> <4994> <5437> <5892> <7784> <7339> <1245> <853> <157> <5315> <1245> <3808> <4672>
AV: I will rise <06965> (8799) now, and go about <05437> (8779) the city <05892> in the streets <07784>, and in the broad ways <07339> I will seek <01245> (8762) him whom my soul <05315> loveth <0157> (8804): I sought <01245> (8765) him, but I found <04672> (8804) him not.
The Song of Songs 3:4
Baru saja aku meninggalkan mereka kutemui jantung hatiku kupegang dan tak kulepaskan dia sampai kubawa dia ke rumah ibuku ke kamar orang yang melahirkan aku
<4592> <5674> <1992> <5704> <4672> <853> <157> <5315> <270> <3808> <7503> <5704> <935> <413> <1004> <517> <413> <2315> <2029>
AV: [It was] but a little <04592> that I passed <05674> (8804) from them, but I found <04672> (8804) him whom my soul <05315> loveth <0157> (8804): I held <0270> (8804) him, and would not let him go <07503> (8686), until I had brought <0935> (8689) him into my mother's <0517> house <01004>, and into the chamber <02315> of her that conceived <02029> (8802) me.
The Song of Songs 5:6
Kekasihku kubukakan pintu tetapi kekasihku sudah pergi lenyap Seperti pingsan aku ketika ia menghilang Kucari dia tetapi tak kutemui kupanggil tetapi tak disahutnya
<6605> <589> <1730> <1730> <2559> <5674> <5315> <3318> <1696> <1245> <3808> <4672> <7121> <3808> <6030>
AV: I opened <06605> (8804) to my beloved <01730>; but my beloved <01730> had withdrawn <02559> (8804) himself, [and] was gone <05674> (8804): my soul <05315> failed <03318> (8804) when he spake <01696> (8763): I sought <01245> (8765) him, but I could not find <04672> (8804) him; I called <07121> (8804) him, but he gave me no answer <06030> (8804).