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Proverbs 27:23
Kenallah baik-baik keadaan kambing dombamu perhatikanlah kawanan hewanmu
<3045> <3045> <6440> <6629> <7896> <3820> <5739>
AV: Be thou diligent <03045> (8799) to know <03045> (8800) the state <06440> of thy flocks <06629>, [and] look <07896> (8798) well <03820> to thy herds <05739>. {look...: Heb. set thy heart}
Proverbs 27:23
Kenallah baik-baik keadaan kambing dombamu perhatikanlah kawanan hewanmu
<3045> <3045> <6440> <6629> <7896> <3820> <5739>
AV: Be thou diligent <03045> (8799) to know <03045> (8800) the state <06440> of thy flocks <06629>, [and] look <07896> (8798) well <03820> to thy herds <05739>. {look...: Heb. set thy heart}