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Psalms 106:43
Banyak kali dilepaskan-Nya mereka tetapi mereka bersikap memberontak dengan rencana-rencana mereka tenggelam dalam kesalahan mereka
<6471> <7227> <5337> <1992> <4784> <6098> <4355> <5771>
AV: Many <07227> times <06471> did he deliver <05337> (8686) them; but they provoked <04784> (8686) [him] with their counsel <06098>, and were brought low <04355> (8799) for their iniquity <05771>. {brought...: or, impoverished, or, weakened}
Psalms 107:6
Maka berseru-serulah mereka kepada TUHAN dalam kesesakan mereka dan dilepaskan-Nya mereka dari kecemasan mereka
<6817> <413> <3069> <6862> <1992> <4691> <5337>
AV: Then they cried <06817> (8799) unto the LORD <03068> in their trouble <06862>, [and] he delivered <05337> (8686) them out of their distresses <04691>.