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Psalms 78:5
Telah ditetapkan-Nya peringatan di Yakub dan hukum Taurat diberi-Nya di Israel nenek moyang kita diperintahkan-Nya untuk memperkenalkannya kepada anak-anak mereka
<6965> <5715> <3290> <8451> <7760> <3478> <834> <6680> <853> <1> <3045> <1121>
AV: For he established <06965> (8686) a testimony <05715> in Jacob <03290>, and appointed <07760> (8804) a law <08451> in Israel <03478>, which he commanded <06680> (8765) our fathers <01>, that they should make them known <03045> (8687) to their children <01121>: