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Psalms 35:25
Janganlah mereka berkata dalam hatinya Syukur itulah keinginan kami Dan janganlah mereka berkata Kami telah menelannya
<408> <559> <3820> <1889> <5315> <408> <559> <1104>
AV: Let them not say <0559> (8799) in their hearts <03820>, Ah <01889>, so would we have it <05315>: let them not say <0559> (8799), We have swallowed him up <01104> (8765). {Ah...: Heb. Ah, ah, our soul}
Proverbs 10:3
TUHAN tidak membiarkan orang benar menderita kelaparan tetapi keinginan orang fasik ditolak-Nya
<3808> <7456> <3068> <5315> <6662> <1942> <7563> <1920>
AV: The LORD <03068> will not suffer <07456> (0) the soul <05315> of the righteous <06662> to famish <07456> (8686): but he casteth away <01920> (8799) the substance <01942> of the wicked <07563>. {the substance...: or, the wicked for their wickedness}