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Genesis 6:5
Ketika dilihat TUHAN bahwa kejahatan manusia besar di bumi dan bahwa segala kecenderungan hatinya selalu membuahkan kejahatan semata-mata
<7200> <3068> <3588> <7227> <7451> <120> <776> <3605> <3336> <4284> <3820> <7535> <7451> <3605> <3117>
AV: And GOD <03068> saw <07200> (8799) that the wickedness <07451> of man <0120> [was] great <07227> in the earth <0776>, and [that] every imagination <03336> of the thoughts <04284> of his heart <03820> [was] only <07535> evil <07451> continually <03117>. {every...: or, the whole imagination: the Hebrew word signifieth not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires} {continually: Heb. every day}