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Psalms 17:9
terhadap orang-orang fasik yang menggagahi aku terhadap musuh nyawaku yang mengepung aku
<6440> <7563> <2098> <7703> <341> <5315> <5362> <5921>
AV: From <06440> the wicked <07563> that <02098> oppress <07703> (8804) me, [from] my deadly <05315> enemies <0341> (8802), [who] compass me about <05362> (8686). {oppress: Heb. waste} {my...: Heb. my enemies against the soul}
Psalms 22:16
Sebab anjing-anjing mengerumuni aku gerombolan penjahat mengepung aku mereka menusuk tangan dan kakiku
<3588> <5437> <3611> <5712> <7489> <5362> <3738> <3027> <7272>
AV: For dogs <03611> have compassed <05437> (8804) me: the assembly <05712> of the wicked <07489> (8688) have inclosed <05362> (8689) me: they pierced <03738> (8804) (8675) <0738> my hands <03027> and my feet <07272>.
Psalms 88:17
mengelilingi aku seperti air banjir sepanjang hari mengepung aku serentak
<5437> <4325> <3605> <3117> <5362> <5921> <3162>
AV: They came round about <05437> (8804) me daily <03117> like water <04325>; they compassed <05362> (8689) me about together <03162>. {daily: or, all the day}